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The animation-projects created with this editor are arrangements of
YAFA-animations and music modules, samples and executables.
Projects are saved as text files which can played from within
the Player-Window or directly envoking the YAFA-Player "yp"
with the "-batch"-option.
Projects are the perfect choice if you want to create huge videos
because the YAFA-system has the capability to play more small animations
as one without any gaps.
Another advantage is the fact that you can apply changes to such
a project much easier than to a single huge animation.
Add Include a YAFA-animation (*)
Kill Remove the selected animation from the list
Replace Replace the selected file
Up/Down Move selected item up/down in the list
Local Range Specify the first first and last frame to be played
Example: the selected animation has 100 frames
1, 100 - exactly one shot
11, 50 - skips first 10 frames, plays 40 frames
51, 250 - plays the complete animation exactly
two times, start/end are moved by 50 frames
Global Range Shows range as global frame numbers in the project
Info Display some information about the selected animation
and let you adjust some settings similar to the Player-Window
Filmstrip Open the Filmstrip-Window
Add The same like (*) for modules, samples or executables
Kill Dito
Replace Dito
Global Range Set global frame numbers to start/stop playing selected sound.
An executable will be started when the player reaches the start
A special case is the range 0,0 for executables. These
commands will be executed before the YAFA-Player shuts down
intuition - so you can use commands that have an output
(like a cd-player)
Type specify the type of sound-effect
Edit open one of the edit-windows Module, Sample or Command
Frames Shows the number of frames the whole project consists of
Play selected Play project starting with the selected item
Play all Play the whole project
Profile Open the Profile-Window
Identify Calculate animation and frame number from a global frame number
Save All Save all frames played in the project using the picture
basename specified in the Converter
Clear clear the whole project
Project File select file to load/save